Casi studio - Neurological Rehabilitation

Kent Salute della Comunità NHS FT

Staff at Kent Community Health document the critical role RITA plays in supporting staff and patients alike, both clinically and environmentally. ‘The powerful affect and impact RITA has allows the patient to engage, interact and feel valued, RITA is like another member of staff on the Ward, part of the Sevenoaks Family’ Grahame Hardy – Specialist Nurse for Dementia

Salute e cura del Gloucestershire

“I used the RITA in the day room with 3 other male patients, two of which had a recent diagnosis of dementia. Together they played the Coconut shy game and got quite competitive with the scoring. I observed that each patient participated well to help with their hand-eye co-ordination, they really enjoyed the game which was after lunch club. I encourage patients to socialise together and improve their nutrition.” “A special moment is when you see the patients face ‘light up’ and they were smiling again off"