Casi studio - Care Home (2)

Solihull Council

In July 2021 Solihull Council invested in RITA for six of their care homes as an initial pilot to support a case for a wider roll out. The introduction of RITA has been warmly welcomed by all of the care homes and the outcomes reported have been very positive.

Ispirazioni Casa di Cura Residenziale Wolverhampton

Since the introduction of RITA, we have noticed a positive shift in residents’ moods. RITA offers a great social benefit to the residents in the home and provides them with the tools to participate in group activities.

Darnall Grange Casa di Cura Sheffield

Darnall Grange is a 60 bed nursing dementia home and sits in the heart of the Darnall, Sheffield. The introduction of RITA has been instrumental to the continued delivery of care and safe well-being of our residents.

Belvidere Court Assistenza Domiciliare Wolverhampton

Belvidere Court Care Home in Wolverhampton explain how RITA settled and stimulated a new resident who was required to isolate due to COVID-19

City of Wolverhampton Council

In March 2021 City of Wolverhampton Council (part funded by Wolverhampton CCG) generously invested in RITA for over 70 of its care homes. To date we have received amazing feedback and the outcomes being achieved match those being achieved elsewhere throughout the UK.  Read more about the project here, including many individual case studies and a video.....

Dudley Metropolitan Consiglio

The impact of RITA has been shared with management teams, the falls steering groups, the integrated commissioning executive & the dementia steering group. They have received feedback from a range of professionals & other residential/care homes wanting to extend the use of RITA across the system.

Northern Ireland

RITA was introduced to Northern Ireland in 2021 with the number of the devices growing to 50+ in 2022 and numbers likely to grow significantly.

Seven Hills utilizza RITA per implementare cambiamenti positivi nel comportamento, per saperne di più sui residenti e fornire la migliore assistenza possibile

“RITA is absolutely amazing! I wish I had 5! We have one gentleman who usually stays in his room but has sat at the end of the corridor and is on film number 4. Honestly, I’m so grateful for it, it will definitely be one of the best things for people in care homes. The selection is amazing and it has activity ideas that also prompt staff”

Staffordshire Contea Consiglio

In June 2021 Staffordshire County Council generously invested in RITA for 36 of its care homes. “We have seen an improvement with residents engaging in group work activities. Some residents who would normally not take part in group activities are now joining in and participating" Read more about the project here....